Monday, November 8, 2010

The List

Here's the list of books settled on in class (links go to

Look for a post from Jason to help start the conversation here.

If anyone else is having trouble getting on the blog, let me know. I've set it up so I'm getting notified on comments and posts, so I shouldn't miss anything.


  1. Hey everyone,

    As we get started on this, take a moment to order your books and begin reading. Let's plan on beginning our online conversation sometime next week (Week of November 22). As you read your choice book, think about how it addresses issues we have discussed in class or introduces a new issue. Think about the perspectives being articulated and how they relate to other perspectives we have experienced throughout the semester.

    What narrative does this book offer the conversation? How are you and your emergent philosophy of education impacted by this text? What would some of the authors we have read say about this text - would they agree, disagree, how and why?

    Immerse yourself in the choice book and I will post some guiding questions to get the conversation going... then I think we trust the blog - let's see where the conversation goes from here.

    Talk soon. See you tomorrow. Be good.


  2. I chose to read a book 'Savage Inequalites' by Kozol.
